"Jasmine's" Story of Trauma to Triumph!
"All That Jazz" aka "Jasmine" or "Jazzy" is a Morgan born in 2002. She was adopted from a local equine rescue in 2016 where she had been living in a field with limited human contact for over a year! Prior to being brought to the recue she was living at a stable in Massachusetts. There, she was the victim of bitter divorce and was bound for the slaughter truck one morning. She was literally seized by the rescue in the middle of the night and her life was spared! We don't know much about her history before that, but certain clues tell us she was most likely an Amish carriage horse. When we adopted her she had a sweet disposition and was very curious, but also very reactive and living in a constant state of alarm. She did not know anything about being ridden under saddle at that time. It has taken years to earn her trust and to teach her how to think before she reacts to the slightest little thing! She has grown from an extremely reactive horse to one that can be confident and curious. She is now a super star in both our ground and riding programs.
Jasmine is especially skilled at healing trauma in both children and adults. She is the nurturing "Mama" on the farm and loves to connect and care for others whether human or animal. She is so grateful to be rescued and healed from her own traumatic past that she seems determined to give back and help others heal. Her kindness and compassion toward others is truly amazing! She is an incredibly special horse and we are so grateful to have her on our team!